Your Saftey at Pole Pole
Your safety remains our priority during your stay at Pole Pole. Fortunately, the island and lodge is very spacious reducing the chances of encountering the virus. Nevertheless, we have also put in various procedures to minimize any risk. See SOPs here.
Regulations in Tanzania
As of 13 Sept 2021, you must enter Tanzania with a PCR negative test. You are also required to get tested before departure. You may be subject to a quick test or quarantine if you are coming from a high-risk country. Airlines may also have requirements therefore, we recommend you check with the airline and country of origin to ensure you are up to date with everything you may need before arriving and departing from Tanzania.
What you need to enter Tanzania
1. Negative PCR Test in English
2. Fill in the form on the website link and pay for a Rapid Test 10 USD
(do this on the computer, not the phone)
*Make sure to print both the PCR Test and receipt of the Rapid Test (whether or not you are exempted) and have them with you on arrival*
As of the 11th of August, The MoH has revised RT-PCR Covid Test to 50 USD instead of 100 USD, and Rapid Test shall now be free for travelers using ground borders/entry points. For travelers using airports, Rapid Test shall be charged at 10 USD instead of the 25 USD charged before.
IMPORTANT: Please read through the Travel Advisory for all the details.
COVID Test on Mafia
Mafia Island does have a testing center. We will help you every step of the way to ensure you obtain your results for your departure. We have already helped many Pole Pole guests throughout the process without any issues. See full procedure here.
We can also help take care of the whole process for you for 100 USD per person this includes the cost of the test, transport, and hospital fee. You can pay this amount to us in cash at Pole Pole in USD or TZS.
COVID Resources on Mafia
We will walk you through the whole process, however, here is some information you may want to know.
The tests in Mafia are done at:
Mafia District Hospital
PO Box 51, Mafia.
Dr. Emanuel Mlengwa: +255718534460
Booking Link: https://pimacovid.moh.go.tz
Cancelations & COVID Policy
We understand that planning in advance is difficult with the current pandemic. We, therefore, want to be as flexible as possible to accommodate you. Our COVID policies are as follows:
Free amendments ( 4 weeks before arrival)
Payment and confirmation required only 4 weeks before arrival
The weeks will depend on season and availability, if we have high demand we may require payment to confirm your booking before.
These policies may change depending on the global situation.
Here are the answers to some of the questions you may have...
What if I test positive on arrival in Dar es Salaam/Tanzania?
If you test positive in Dar es Salaam, you will have to quarantine at a hotel in Dar at your cost. You can then do the test 14 days later. Since you need a negative PCR test to arrive in Tanzania if you test positive in your country you should not travel.
What if my PCR test is positive on Mafia before I need to depart?
If you need to do a test to obtain a negative PCR to travel back to your country and your test comes out positive in Mafia you will have to quarantine in Mafia (you cannot travel to Dar es Salaam). You can stay at Pole Pole if availability allows, at your cost (we can provide a discounted rate). If we are fully booked we can assist you to find another property on the island to quarantine. We suggest Mafia Lodge since they have plenty of bungalows and are only a walk away from us. You will then have to re-do the test in 14 days and hopefully, you will be negative so you can travel out.